How to tie and pasynkovat tomatoes?

Tie start when the bushes of tomatoes grew stronger and their machinesafety from the wind. AGROSALON gradually opens from the trellis and the wind between the bushes. We tied a conventional synthetic twine, which is sold in the market. In 2016 we have exhausted all garter около3 kilometers of rope.

At the bottom of the hive under the first sheet, make a loop, but not much delay, so as not to hurt the plant. Then wrapped a rope Bush between the sheets epiceram the end of the rope at the top of the crossbar on the trellis. The growth we go around every Bush and obtrusive it around the twine.

As we we tied a brush with tomatoes?

And you thought it was not important? If you see the difference, you will want to tie every brush! Because when the fruit is gaining his weight, the brush is bent down from the weight. The flow of nutrients stops, iplod early maturing.
But if the brush to be tied up, the fruit will have time to gain the desired mass. That is, they will be much more!

Tie the brush with the fruits must necessarily have large, srednerynochnyh and hand varieties.In tomato 'Pesante' one complex brush with the fruits can weigh up to 2 kg! As it will not tie up? But if you don't tie, don't worry that the fruits are small. Biology is not fooled.

Near tall tomatoes horizontally, we extend the rope. The height of this horizontal rope from the ground should be at the level where the first trusses of tomatoes. To the rope-vyruchalka we and we tied the first hard brush.

Remove side shoots and the formation of the tomatoes.

Side-shoot removing is the removal of laterals from the axils of the sheet for correct forming of the Bush tomato. Stepson is a new branch that grows between the main stem and the leaf. Stepson is very similar to the little seedlings. It should be removed when it is not more than 2-5 cm

For dummies: position yourself in front of your palm the internal storeon yourself. If the palm of your hand-written cheat sheet. Your thumb should be pointing up. And all the other 4 fingers together and napravleniu side. So, your thumb is the main trunk of the tomato – he's the thickest and most sturdy. And 4 of your finger is a leaf of the tomato. The stepson also rises between the thumb (the main trunk) and index finger (sheet)! That's it, and you want to remove, until he wiracochan the large.

If the stepchildren are not removed, and to allow tomatoes to grow freely, some cultivars can give less harvest, zapustitsya and get infected with late blight. Stepchildren are not removed only when landing occupy entire fields are treated with fungicides, when between the rows of plants a great distance. Then it is enough to tie tall varieties, cebion not trailed on the ground and the fruits are not messed up.

But when the varieties in the presence of a lot and land is scarce, you want to get a beautiful, slender plants with a good harvest, then the spinning-vertisserie them and form. Formation, remove side shoots, this is a deliberate change in the form of plants, redirection of nutrients not in the shoots and new stems, leaves, namely, the emergence of flower brushes plodov.

Remove side shoots we spend about every 3-4 days.