How to dive seedlings of tomatoes?

When the tomato seedlings will appear 2 true leaves, then produce the picks.

For this you also need to prepare in advance the ground. To pick tomatoes the land is not proprium. Just iterate manually to izbavitsya roots, worms, stones, lumps and razdelyaet for looseness 1 pelvis (16 liters) of garden soil, add 2-3 handfuls of peat.

Swordplay – the same important point, as does the sowing of tomato seeds.To pick use half-liter plastic pots in black colour. If you do not have enough pots we use a regular plastic bottle of dark color with cut neck.

If the boxes for seedlings is still possible not to make drainage holes (prilovchilis to be watered in moderation, not flooding) in pots for seedlings grown drainage holes mandatory.

The larger the plant, the more volume of roots, and the more it requires soil and good drainage holes in the pot.

The picks we make at home. Pre-harvest basins of epedra prepared, loose soil, signed pots for each variety, a bucket of room temperature water, knives, spoons, Notepad with pens, rags, 'operating' table, plenty of tea and good rock music. Only with quality education have the courage to start the conversation. The very pick we have in 2016 started from 10am and ended at 10pm. And so for 3-4 days.

We do: first, take box number 1. We have already signed the pots for each variety, which grows in box number 1. Also put the bowl with the ground, a bucket of water.

For example, in box number 1 the first number is the grade of the 'Red coal'. A total of 6 shrub seedlings. Decide how much we will plant the bushes in the garden, and choose the strongest plants.

If we like this variety, then put all 6 plants. This information is recorded in a notebook! How many bushes are a particular variety will be planted. Based on this, we then easier to plan the number of beds.

Then at the bottom of the pot put a little of the earth, with drawer dining room about taunt one tomato plant and insert it into the pot.

Seedlings, it is desirable to bury. Until the first true leaves gently fall asleep with soil, and water. Ready the pot aside on the empty seat, which was taken a box of seedlings.

Care raspolirovki seedlings is watering, loosening pochwy periodic illumination if there is not enough sunlight. No amount of fertilizer at seedling stage we do not use! Neither organic nor chemical.

So seedlings growing in the home until planting in the open ground.